Keep in Shape is the food case customised for Hong Kong's abundant food culture and giving away memorable human kindness. It combines functionality, sustainability, and appealing appearance in the case of Egg Tart, Bowl Rice Cake and Pineapple Bun.

Not every food container functions well in preserving the perfect Shape. Use a fragile plastic box or plastic wrapping bag for the package for specific delicacies such as crunchy pineapple bun, sticky bowl rice cake, and freshly baked egg tart. Some package boxes require large quantities to fill in the space. There is also less consideration for requiring large amounts to fit in the paper box space. This creates extra packages or food waste if the food gets crushed in the bag. We want to encourage a sustainable lifestyle for the foodie in a playful way.
Hence, Keep in Shape is a series of food cases customised for delicacies that represent Hong Kong. It combines functionality, sustainability, and an appealing appearance in one case. A detailed minimalist package that communicates a case inside a box highlights Hong Kong's abundant food culture and gives away memorable human kindness. Though travellers can't take Hong Kong delicacies with them. They can remember their feelings with Keep In Shape.

There are 3 cases in 3 different dimensions designed for 3 different foods.
The first one is a light brown case shaped like a bowl of rice cake. Normally people use plastic bags for packaging bowl rice cake. This box aims to reduce plastic waste generation, and also, people can use the container as part of the bowl rice cake making process. Since the plastic we use has high heat tolerance, which allows steaming or high heat cleaning. People can steam the case together with the bowl rice cake mixture. The bowl-shaped rice pudding has an al dente texture, with chewy red beans. Enrich your month with the decent brown sugar sweetness, and feel the spread of rice aroma in the steam. The dimension of the Bowl Rice Cake Case is 7.5 cm (W) x 7.5 cm (L) x 4.5 cm (H) and can be used for storing sweet or pill pieces inside.
The second one is an eggshell case shaped like a flower with a dent in the middle. Most bakeries only offer to take away boxes when people buy 4 pieces of egg tart. You can only get a plastic bag to protect an egg tart, which often crumbled afterwards. The container aims to safeguard the single egg tart in complete Shape. Egg tart is baked with a rich custard base surrounded by the crispy meringue as a popular HK-style dessert. Make every bite cheerful in this ultimate indulgent dessert. The dimension of the Egg Tart Case is 9 cm (W) x 9 cm (L) x 4.5 cm (H) and can be used for storing Portuguese tart, custard tart or jewellery pieces inside.
The third one is a yellow colour case shaped like a pineapple bun. We have done a lot of research to determine the container size, the checkered pattern on the surface, and its bottom plate that can carry pineapple buns. Users can store other types of bread to reduce bakery plastic bag waste as long as the Shape can fit in the box. "Pineapple buns without pineapple". Named after the golden yellow, bumpy, crispy baked skin looks like pineapples. The dimension of the Pineapple Bun Case is 12 cm (W) x 12 cm (L) x 9 cm (H) and can be used for storing snacks or a nice-looking decoration at your house.
Keep in Shape is not just a case; it is also a way to remember the place.

Packaging Design :

Project Type Product design | Sustainable Design
Year 2021
Art Direction | Photographing | Video-graphing | Copy-writing | Idea brainstorming :
Ka Wing Kavieng Cheng
Idea brainstorming | Design for Manufacturing | 3D Modeling :
Ruby , Mak Ming Huen
Prototype making | Usability Testing | Journey Map | Copy-writing :
Kara , Wong Cheuk Laam
Packaging design | Model :
Svenja Tong