"Hoo Hey How" is a traditional Chinese and Vietnamese gambling dice game that is played during Lunar New Year celebrations. It is a beloved pastime that brings families and friends together, and relies entirely on luck for players to win.
Our design team has taken inspiration from the game's rich cultural heritage to create a modern and visually stunning version of "Hoo Hey How". We have broken with tradition by incorporating unique textures and patterns into the design, using a carefully selected color palette to add a contemporary twist to this classic game.
To create our version of "Hoo Hey How", we have used high-quality OXFORD®️ Papers by Holly Hunt, which lend a luxurious feel to the game's playing surface. The dice themselves are laser-cut with minimalist illustrations, using a marbled texture to create a tactile and visually pleasing experience.
Our aim is to create a visually and tactilely satisfying gaming experience for customers, while paying homage to the rich cultural heritage of this beloved game. We hope that our modern take on "Hoo Hey How" will continue to bring families and friends together during Lunar New Year celebrations, and help to keep this beloved tradition alive for generations to come.
Hoo Hey How(魚蝦蟹)是一款受中國和越南歡迎的賭博骰子遊戲,通常在農曆新年期間與家人和朋友一起享受遊戲的時刻。
我們的設計團隊決定打破顏色傳統,將質感與東方文化相結合。我們選擇了OXFORD®️ PAPERS by Holly Hunt來自美國的特殊紙張。骰子通過雷射切割,設計出極簡主義的圖案,旨在讓顧客在視覺和觸覺上感到滿意。
我們選擇三種不同參數的灰色,而不是使用大紅大紫的顏色,這些灰色為刺激的遊戲帶來一絲淡然的感覺,為熾熱的新年帶來一點冷調。同時,我們使用獲得GREEN SEAL™️ 認證的OXFORD®️ PAPERS來呈現出不同於其他紙張的外觀和感覺。

Illustration of the board-game

Paper colour palette

Pictures of the product

Paper: OXFORD®️ Papers 216gsm
Printing: Digital print
Brand Idendity: Kavieng Cheng, Svenja Tong, Sharon Ng
Typography design: Svenja Tong
Illustration: Sharon Ng
Layout design: Kavieng Cheng
Instagram: @hooheyhow.hk
Printing: Digital print
Brand Idendity: Kavieng Cheng, Svenja Tong, Sharon Ng
Typography design: Svenja Tong
Illustration: Sharon Ng
Layout design: Kavieng Cheng
Instagram: @hooheyhow.hk